Sunday, January 16, 2011

There are Some Real Idiots Out There on the Roads

We had our "change over" days this weekend. That's the week/couple days where we switch from the schedule we've been working the last 4 months, to the one we will work for the next 4.

Ordinarily there isn't much change since we don't require that people rotate their shifts. So it goes by senioritiy and except for a couple of small changes near the bottom of the seniority list, there isn't much movement.

This wasn't the case for this bid and change over. Two supervisors were demoted and they came back into the room with all their seniority intact. I KNOW!

Anway, that caused quite a bit of controversy but beside that, one of them is at the top of the seniority list. Once she bid the day shift she wanted, everyone else had to shuffle from the person who had been bidding first all the way down to the 17th person. Needless to say, there was quite a bit of movement this time.

So one of my dispatchers that was moving to days from graveyard shift was rushing into work on Saturday, her first on her new shift. She was running a little bit behind so she was using the speed limit more like a guideline than an actual rule.

Seventy-eight in a 55 is what she said she was doing. Most of her drive is highway and at 5 in the morning on a weekend, there aren't many other cars on the road.

She's making good time, and probably going to be early for her shift instead of late when she glances in the rearview and sees a pair of headlights coming up behind her very fast.

"At that point, I was thinking, 'That guy is an idiot. I'm doing almost 80 mph and he's gonna pass me like I'm standing still. What is this moron's problem?'"

That was when the headlights, which seemed to appear out of nowhere settled in behind her and the state trooper flipped on his overheads to let her know she was being pulled over for speeding.

Glad that she could laugh at the irony. And glad she shared the story with everyone at work!


  1. But, did he write her?

  2. And, I can't help but ask. Was the title intentional, or was that just a "Freudian slip"? I mean, it's about a State Trooper and all....
